Shout Your Success #2 – September 2023

Editor: Erin Pallott With some great early feedback, we are excited to keep the momentum going with this series. In this edition, there are some amazing examples of projects people are working on alongside their research, that are all incredibly different from each other. In honour of Postdoc Appreciation Week, we've been especially reaching out … Continue reading Shout Your Success #2 – September 2023

Cometh the Corvidae: Mr and Mrs. Magpie, BSc.

Crows are now smarter than the average undergraduate By Jack Sharpen It doesn’t take an ornithologist to know that corvids are smart. For any casual naturalist, clips of these clever creatures solving puzzles and outfoxing (or rather out-crowing) our saviour David Attenborough have been flying around on our screens and documentaries for years.  If you’re … Continue reading Cometh the Corvidae: Mr and Mrs. Magpie, BSc.