Maximising Your PhD Experience: My Comprehensive Guide to Life at the University of Manchester

Author: Priya Srivastava // Editor: Erin Pallott Featured photo by Priya Srivastava. Embarking on a PhD journey at the University of Manchester is a thrilling experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Beyond the academic rigours, there's a wealth of resources and opportunities that can significantly enhance your time as a postgraduate … Continue reading Maximising Your PhD Experience: My Comprehensive Guide to Life at the University of Manchester

Treat yo’self – Self-care during your studies

By Mia Bennion “Self-care” is a term you may have heard banded about a lot; I certainly have. When I initially thought about self-care, I pictured a facemask on, in the bath, with a glass of wine…and this may well be your form of self-care but one of the first things I want to convey … Continue reading Treat yo’self – Self-care during your studies

Why try Yoga?

Photo by Pixabay on By Seyma Calisgan Wondering if you should start yoga? But don't know what it is or where to begin? Let’s get you started! Yoga is a comprehensive wellness approach that incorporates physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation. It comes from Sanskrit word ‘yuji,’ which means unity. Yoga has been gaining … Continue reading Why try Yoga?

Is your mind playing tricks on you? 10 common unhelpful thinking styles which can affect your mood

By Mia Bennion Typically, we don’t tend to question our brain or our thinking – if you think it, it must be right…right? Not necessarily! Thoughts are opinions, not facts! Our brain can be our best friend, helping to alert us to any danger, problem solve and granting us with creativity and imagination. Unfortunately, sometimes … Continue reading Is your mind playing tricks on you? 10 common unhelpful thinking styles which can affect your mood

5 ways to free yourself from Freedom Day fears for those feeling anxious

By Olivia Wong Freedom Day…….long-awaited yet also feared. While we may all want to eventually get back to the normal lives we led pre-pandemic, we’ve also spent almost a year and a half being used to the ‘new normal’. So it’s understandable if some of us feel anxiety rather than joy at the prospect of … Continue reading 5 ways to free yourself from Freedom Day fears for those feeling anxious