The Game-Changing Effects of Radiotherapy on Breast Cancer: Beyond Killing Cancer Cells

Author: Yamini Meshram // Editor: Erin Pallott Imagine you are giving your home a fresh coat of paint, but instead of just changing the colour, you end up remodelling the whole structure and even influencing the neighbourhood’s vibe. That's a bit like what radiotherapy does in the world of breast cancer treatment. Sure, it's known … Continue reading The Game-Changing Effects of Radiotherapy on Breast Cancer: Beyond Killing Cancer Cells

Maximising Your PhD Experience: My Comprehensive Guide to Life at the University of Manchester

Author: Priya Srivastava // Editor: Erin Pallott Featured photo by Priya Srivastava. Embarking on a PhD journey at the University of Manchester is a thrilling experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Beyond the academic rigours, there's a wealth of resources and opportunities that can significantly enhance your time as a postgraduate … Continue reading Maximising Your PhD Experience: My Comprehensive Guide to Life at the University of Manchester

Shout Your Success #2 – September 2023

Editor: Erin Pallott With some great early feedback, we are excited to keep the momentum going with this series. In this edition, there are some amazing examples of projects people are working on alongside their research, that are all incredibly different from each other. In honour of Postdoc Appreciation Week, we've been especially reaching out … Continue reading Shout Your Success #2 – September 2023

Food Labelling: Do We Interpret Nutrition Labels Correctly?

Author: Constanza Avalos // Editor: Erin Pallott Food labels are a ubiquitous feature in contemporary food retailing, and as such, they are a common sight for most people. However, some of us may deliberately avoid engaging with food labels, whereas others may struggle to fully comprehend their contents, or may experience both barriers to their … Continue reading Food Labelling: Do We Interpret Nutrition Labels Correctly?

NF-kB, It Isn’t a Sorority, But Rather an Important Inflammatory Signalling Molecule

Writer: Jess Mackin // Illustrator: Brendan Capey // Editor: Erin Pallott The most common icebreaker in research is to ask “What do you work on?”. When I tell a researcher my topic, NF-κB signalling, I am met with the joking question “Is that a sorority?”. I cannot blame them, it does sound like it! I … Continue reading NF-kB, It Isn’t a Sorority, But Rather an Important Inflammatory Signalling Molecule

In Manchester’s Embrace – An Ode to my Time at UoM

Author: Bridgious Walusimbi // Editor: Erin Pallott Bridgious at the head of the table with the Grencis group! Bridgious Walusimbi is a Bioinformatics PhD student in Uganda, researching helminth infections in human populations. He visited Manchester to conduct microbiome and metabolomics experiments for his PhD research, and he certainly left a wonderful impression on everyone … Continue reading In Manchester’s Embrace – An Ode to my Time at UoM